Challenges and opportunities for implementing hypofractionated radiotherapy in Africa: lessons from the HypoAfrica clinical trial

- Olatunji, Elizabeth; Swanson, William; Joseph, Adedayo O.; Lehmann, Joerg; Li, Heng; Mallum, Abba; Mkhize, Thokozani; Ngoma, Twalib Athumani; Studen, Andrej; Wijesooriya, Krishni; Incrocci, Luca; Ngwa, Wilfred; Patel, Saloni; Adeneye, Samuel Olaolu; Aina-Tofolari, Funimilayo; Avery, Stephen; Kisukari, Jumaa Dachi; Graef, Katy; Huq, Saiful; Jeraj, Robert